Terengganu FC Training Field sanitation

KUALA TERENGGANU: The Terengganu State Football Association (PBSNT) together with the Terengganu Fire and Rescue Department of Malaysia (JBPM) and the management of the Terengganu State Sports Complex (KSNT) conducted a sanitation process at the Terengganu football team training center at KSNT Gong Badak yesterday.

The Covid-19 pandemic outbreak prevention process is in preparation and among the standard operating procedures (SOP) set by the government and the Malaysian Football League (MFL) before the Malaysian League (M League) team begins the training session.

However, the training sessions allowed from today with the SOP set by the Ministry of Youth and Sports (KBS) previously, could not be implemented by the squad from the East Coast because the players have not yet undergone a 'swab test' or smear test.

PBSNT Executive Secretary, Mohd Syahrizan Mohd Zain said, the sanitation process is one of the SOPs set and must be complied with before players are allowed to undergo training on the field.

He said the sanitation process monitored by JBPM and carried out by KSNT management took almost three hours before it was fully completed to ensure that the area was free of germs.

"Apart from sports facilities in sanitation, the field area including goal posts, fences and rest areas as well as the surrounding area were also sanitized to prevent the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak in preparation for players undergoing training.

"Regarding the training session, the players have not yet started training tomorrow, but if all the SOPs before the training is completed including the 'swab test' the players will undergo training in the near future with the SOP set without the presence of spectators," he said.

For the record, KSNT through the Terengganu State Sports Council (MSNT) has completely closed the operation of sports facilities at the complex since the implementation period of the Movement Control Order (PKP) on March 18 to break the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak chain.

The closure also involved the postponement of all player training programs including Malaysian Sports (Sukma) athletes.

Following the initial steps taken so far, no cases of Covid-19 infection involving Terengganu sportsmen have been reported.