The opening of more sectors following the announcement of facilities in the trade and distribution sector effective yesterday not only relieved traders but also the public who have been waiting for its opening.
Announced by the previous Prime Minister, it involves 11 types of economic activities that are also allowed to resume operations in Phase 1 after taking into account risk assessment data conducted by the Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH), Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs (KPDNHEP).
A women's clothing trader, Husna Syahirah Rosdi, 25, said she was very grateful when she was informed that the shop seemed to be able to operate after three months of not being able to do business as usual.
"As long as it is not operating, the rental fee will also have to be paid, which is RM4500. Therefore, I and other fellow entrepreneurs took an alternative method by selling online only during the pandemic to support themselves and business costs.
He added that the response on the first day opened yesterday was very encouraging with customers in the Kuala Terengganu and Kuala Nerus districts visiting his shop at KTCC Mall.
Meanwhile, the Coordinating Officer of the Seberang Takir State Assembly, Mohd Fadhil Wahab when contacted said, today it is expected that many more sectors involved will be opened following the announcement, recently.
"In the Seberang Takir DUN, we were able to identify several shops that were registered with us for the Terengganu People's Economic Assistance (BERKAT) 2021 recently," he explained.